
gift card是什么意思_翻译中文_怎么读

gift card



1.礼品卡 Generation gap 代购 Gift card 代金卡 Voucher 代金券 ...


1.He even had an ID badge, which he'd made by blacking out a restaurant gift card and etching in the word "POLICE. "他甚至有个ID徽章,是抹黑了一张餐馆礼品卡,刻了“警察”上去做成的。

2.She's preparing a romantic candlelight dinner for her longtime boyfriend and giving him a gift card from his favorite fitness website.她将给自己交往多年的男朋友准备一顿浪漫的烛光晚餐,送一张他最喜欢的健身网站的礼品卡。

3.Senders can schedule the gift card to appear on the recipient's Facebook Wall up to a year in advance.发送者还可以预先设定让礼品卡出现在接受者的Facebook墙上的日期,时间限定在1年之内。

4.You can take that gift card your mom gave you for your birthday, and sit with your honey while you browse online for stuff for the house.你也可以拿出妈妈在生日时候送给你的礼物卡,和爱人一起浏览网页,找找家里需要的物件。

5.Today, a customer tried to pay for a $1. 55 cup of coffee with a gift card, but he came up a dollar short.今天一位顾客想用代金卡付一块五的咖啡钱,但还是少一块钱。

6.We've mentioned how to make a cable wrapper out of an old gift card, and that's great for headphone cables.我们之前讲过,如何用旧的贺卡做数据线缠绕器,这对手机数据线非常有用。

7.Of course, UPS probably doesn't try her other trick: buying a gift card on her way into a restaurant.当然,UPS可能没有试过她其他的窍门:进餐馆时买一张代金卡。

8.Gifts to gift paper wrapped with a piece of writing with each other and the name of the gift card.礼物要用礼品纸包好,附带一张写有对方和送礼人姓名的卡片。

9.Once you receive your gift card, enter the code in the option at the bottom of the payment selection. Then click continue.收到礼品卡后,在付款选择页面底部中输入卡号,然后点继续即可完成付款。

10.For her birthday, I didn't want to repeat my mistake so I gave her another gift card. I never received a thank-you note for either.在她的生日会上,我不想重蹈覆辙,所以我送给她另一张卡片,我也从来没有收过一张感谢函。